Genealogy Research

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Genealogy Search Engines

Genealogy research does not have to be difficult or time-consuming, if you know where to look. If you're looking for new sources of information about your ancestors, the helpful information at LoveToKnow Genealogy can be an invaluable resource.

Best Places to Look for Information

With so many different types of genealogy information available, it can be hard to know the best places to look for hard-to-find facts about the people in your family who came before you. A few of the great resources you'll find here include:

  • Ancestry sites: Find out about the top ancestry sites, as well as resources where you can search free for ancestry information.
  • Locating records: Learn how to find critical records, including those related to adoption, immigration, military service and more.
  • Surname information: Get information on determining the nationality of surnames, as well as a list of Jewish surnames.
  • Starting a family tree: Educate yourself about how to start making a family tree and identify helpful free family tree resources.
  • Heritage-specific information: Find out how to locate resources specific to national origin, including Irish genealogy databases and German immigration records.
  • Overcoming challenges: Discover six ways to get through a genealogy brick wall when you find your research efforts coming up empty.
  • Mistakes to avoid: Save time and stress by discovering ten top genealogy research mistakes to avoid.

Successful Searches

Rather than searching blindly, rely on the helpful information provided by LoveToKnow Genealogy's experienced editorial team when you want to research your family's history. Using the information available here can help ensure that you enjoy the greatest possibility of conducting successful searches for the genealogy information that you want to find.

Genealogy Research